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Old 06-19-2010, 06:13 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by tomato View Post
With respect, that's not what he said, at least I don't read his comment that way at all.
I understand, and it's possible I misread the comment too. But my retort was a bit sarcastic too. It's the common belief that black people inherently dress "urban" and white people dress in suits. But in fact, it's not true. It has more to do with money than anything else. Yes, there are a few weirdos and wealthy rappers that dress like gangbangers (because sometimes they are). But for the most part; black, white or any race will tend to dress in more conventional upscale type clothing. Generally, those less fortunate cannot or choose not to dress that way (as they would probably be ridiculed for it).

But there are tons of white people (and white people who wish to portray an image) who dress urban. . . and subsequently get profiled by the cops too.

Hence, "so a black guy dressed like a black guy should be profiled.

a rich black guy dressed like a white guy should not be. " My understanding is that means that black people dressing like they inherently do is a social negative and that they need to adopt cultural ideas not of their own. But here's the irony of it all, "urban" clothing in itself is not native or inherent at all! They're all main stream brands sold and marketed by the very same clothing company that sell dorky t-shirts and nerdy clothing. And in fact, very many (the majority) of wealthy black people do not dress urban because they choose not to. Now if some black guy was pulled over because he was wearing some cultural african clothing, that'd be terrible!

But IMO, dress like a gangbanger, expect to be treated (and profiled) like a gangbanger. It has nothing to do with race. If eminem wasn't famous, he'd be profiled in a heartbeat. And so would a punk-rocker meth-head lookalike. . .

And my sarcastic point is that to assume that such clothing trends are inherent to race is in itself a racist perspective. The clothing trends, in actuality are inherent to social conditions.
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Old 06-19-2010, 08:26 PM   #56
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I'm not going to disect that argument.

I'm just going to leave this thread as gracefully as possible by saying that I whole heartedly disagree with you.

Now... I'm going to go look at sone pictures of yaris'
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Old 06-19-2010, 10:45 PM   #57
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Of course, it may be an idea to talk to cops, find out how they think, hear some of their horror stories; in other words, get some perspective on the relationship between "them" and "us". Lots of young people I know would NEVER consider doing this, of course, allowing as how young guys are ALWAYS right...
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Old 06-20-2010, 05:12 AM   #58
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plus.... who really gets pulled over for jaywalking anyways?
Have you ever had to scrape up someone off the road whos been hit by a car?
Theres an overpass above these kids and they are walking across (an obviously) dangerous section of road while EVERYONE around them seems to have no problem with the concept of the pedestrian overpass.

Cops like the one in this clip are sadly the same guys who have to clean up the mess when ignorant people think they know better.

Dont kid yourself - Jaywalking isnt just dumb, its LETHAL. When I see people doing it I not only want to fine them, but a good wake-up slap across the face is tempting also!

Just last week I was at an intersection and a woman was jaywalking using her baby/stroller as leverage. She was yelling a torrent of abuse at passers-by as they tooted their horns and shouted at her to get her kid off the road and show some common-sense. Sad that people like her are even allowed to have kids at all...
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Old 06-20-2010, 05:25 AM   #59
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"In Maryland from January 1995 through December 1997, 70 percent of the drivers stopped on Interstate 95 were African Americans. According to an ACLU survey conducted around that time, only 17.5 percent of the traffic and speeders on that road were African American.
Source: Cole, David, No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System (New York: The New Press, 1999), p. 36."

"In Montgomery County, MD in 2001, “Blacks drivers were about three times as likely as whites to be asked if their vehicles could be searched. Of 450 searches, 197, or 43.8 percent, were of black drivers; 150 were of whites; and 78 were Hispanics.”

Well I grew up near Baltimore and I can tell you right now that 95% of the black people who's vehicles where searched where probably caught with something. Id like to see the stats for that!
Im not being racist but the its a fact that Poorest areas around there are where most of the trouble comes from .... and it is a fact that those areas are predominantly black
so its not being racist but statistical!
its to the point back there that there are police cameras on every corner in the city!
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Old 06-20-2010, 07:48 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by bkndacn View Post
"In Maryland from January 1995 through December 1997, 70 percent of the drivers stopped on Interstate 95 were African Americans. According to an ACLU survey conducted around that time, only 17.5 percent of the traffic and speeders on that road were African American.
Source: Cole, David, No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System (New York: The New Press, 1999), p. 36."

"In Montgomery County, MD in 2001, “Blacks drivers were about three times as likely as whites to be asked if their vehicles could be searched. Of 450 searches, 197, or 43.8 percent, were of black drivers; 150 were of whites; and 78 were Hispanics.”

Well I grew up near Baltimore and I can tell you right now that 95% of the black people who's vehicles where searched where probably caught with something. Id like to see the stats for that!
Im not being racist but the its a fact that Poorest areas around there are where most of the trouble comes from .... and it is a fact that those areas are predominantly black
so its not being racist but statistical!
its to the point back there that there are police cameras on every corner in the city!
Although I am FAR from a bleeding heart liberal, I can agree that those stats should raise some eyebrows. If I were in the position to, I'd investigate into the matter. That doesn't mean anything would have to be changed, but I'd want to make sure people's rights were not being unfairly encroached upon. But if those busts are legitimate, they are taking criminals off the street, and they are being professional and courteous in their stops, then so be it. Good job, Baltimore P.D.

That having been said, I strongly question the accuracy of an ACLU survey. Surveys and polls are often biased and grossly inaccurate. The ACLU is more concerned with high profile Jesse Jackson cases, trying to incriminate innocent people, like the Duke LaCrosse guys (the whole thing was a sham as it turns out and the story was fabricated). The ACLU cares more improving its own situation, rather than the people's.

This is getting off topic, but it's NOT alarming that the demographics of criminals is so skewed. What is alarming is that there is nothing being done to help change that. . . and I when I say change I don't mean making less busts, but rather actively doing something to change the social economics that create the problem, ie improving urban schools, youth programs, college scholarships, etc. Fire some secretaries, beaurocratic assistants, lobbyists, and union leaders, and dump the money into increased salaries to attract and keep better qualified teachers. And throwing more money at something won't even necessarily improve it. Massive restructuring needs to take place. . .
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Old 06-21-2010, 11:31 AM   #61
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A little follow up...

Nothing about this on our local news that I saw though...
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Old 06-21-2010, 12:00 PM   #62
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That was undoubtedly a selfish apology... she was probably advised by her lawyer to do so to make her look better in court!
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Old 06-21-2010, 01:21 PM   #63
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I never once saw anyone ever get arrested or took aside for a talking, just for j-walking. It happens ALL the time in and around Detroit. I don't agree with the officer nailing the woman either BUT...

Adrenaline is a crazy thing. The officer has to assume that any physical attempt on him is potentionally dangerous or deadly. A routine traffic stop? Their is no such thing as a "routine traffic stop", each time could be the officers last. He/she doesn't know what that person is carrying or who they are. That other woman running her mouth should have just shut it and kept a bit of distance. And it doesn't help that the whole neighborhood gathers around like some spectacle and are more worried about some idiot resisting handcuffs (just because your handcuffed doesn't mean you won't be let's half the time strictly for safety purposes) than for the officers own safety. Especially that one dumbass, "Yo man, did you get that on tape !?!"...what a joke.
I live my life a quarter pounder at a time. And for those 500 calories or more, I'm free. I need FRIES! Two of them. The big ones. Oh, and I need them tonight. You're lucky the double shot of BBQ sauce didn't blow the seam on your nugget box. There she is, 2 pounds of pure beef. My dad ate it in 9.0 seconds flat. Check it out, it's like this. If I lose, winner takes my happy meal. But if I win, I take the burger and the toy. To some people, that's more important.
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Old 06-21-2010, 09:10 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Damo View Post
Hitting anyone, male or female is not a good thing - but I have strong opinions the other way on this. I believe these situations only arise because we've allowed them to by pampering our kids...

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people these days?

Heres a (probably less experienced) police officer, outnumbered and clearly needing help. (and probably some more training in restraining ppl) Dont kid yourselves - Women can be just as violent and dangerous when they get hot-headed. Rather than the community coming to ANYONES aide, we have 30 idiots just standing around with cameraphones - more concerned with waiting for the cop to mess up so they can get themselves on the nightly news.


I guess Im a little old school here, but where is the respect for the law?

I train martial arts myself, and I can say first-hand - In an escalated situation ANYONE could do things in the spur of the moment that (upon reflection), they admittedly shouldnt have done - whether theyve been trained for it or not.

Most importantly, why the hell dont young people obey police anymore?

This is not not some guy asking her to dinner - Its a police officer giving her specific instructions. She was told to put her hands on the boot of the car and she snapped.
Its completely disrespectful - and her friend is moronic for sticking her nose into the situation in the first place. Obviously her friend came to his senses and pulled her out of the foray when he realized the mess she was getting herself into.

If police arent conducting themselves in a respectful manner towards the public, there are things you can do. Get a badge number and report them. You can actually have their job for it. Before you do though, perhaps have a think about the horrible job they have, dealing with people who consider themselves more important than the laws the rest of society have to abide by.

When it comes to police - Do WHAT you're told WHEN you're told, and fight about it later.
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Old 06-29-2010, 08:28 PM   #65
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...And hey, she should consider herself lucky. It is Detroit - She could have been 'arrested' by ED-209... And we all know how that panned out for poor ol Kenny. :)

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