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Old 04-24-2013, 10:26 AM   #1
Drives: 2007 Toyota Yaris
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Unhappy New newbie meat here.

Hello all!

So about five months ago I ended up financing a 2007 Yaris Hatchback. It's literally the exact same car (color and everything) as this picture.

It roughly has less than 83k miles on it. I got it from Honda Carland.

When I received the key to the car, it was a generic key, cut to fit my car. At first I didn't think anything of it, but now that I am having theft problems (people being able to pick the locks to my car and get inside my vehicle), I'm really wanting to get an original FOB key. Essentially something like this.

Since I have tomorrow off, I was told that perhaps I should go back to the Honda Carland and ask if they have the original key or if they are able to acquire one. My (now ex) boyfriend a few months ago knew I wanted "keyless entry" so he wired and installed a remote system by Bulldog - this one in particular. He didn't wire anything but the unlock and lock mechanism. My security system is still lying dormant right now.

What I really want, and my point in this post, is to get my security system working that is actually in the car already. I'd totally prefer the system to be built into the KEY which it originally was to begin with and I'm just not sure how to go about this. A relative said I should get a starter disabler installed into my car so that I don't "need a security system or original key", it just makes it so that a person that gets inside my car can't do anything. I don't know if I should do this, or buy a key that is about $200 on ebay that has to be cut to fit my Yaris and programmed by me, go to the Honda Dealership to see if they can do anything for me or locate the original key, or go to a Toyota dealership and see what they can do.

Total newbs here. But to put it lightly, I am in love with my car. Because of these god damn theft problems, I haven't been able to drive it and it's been sitting at my house until I move in a month.
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Old 04-24-2013, 09:52 PM   #2
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Odds are you have the original key. Many Yaris never had fobs, security systems, or power locks of any kind. They were extremely rare expensive options in 2007.

Just get the system you have put in correctly, it should not cost much to take it to a place to do it.

If you really think your car originally came with something like that, a normal key would never actually work to start it, because the first thing Toyota did was install immobilizers into the cars, which means you had to have the correct key to start the car.
Colin Chapman disciple
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Old 04-24-2013, 10:33 PM   #3
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Correct Colin, but maybe she has a FID key that looks like a normal key without the buttons. That's what I have. On my dash is a red blinking light.

She could just find a new boyfriend (just kidding) or go to an alarm shop.
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Old 04-24-2013, 10:46 PM   #4
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The red blinking light is to indicate that you have the engine immobilizer. That became standard for the US in 2009. Most 2007 and 2008 Yaris did not have it.

If the OP had keyless entry, it still would not help with people picking the locks, since and OEM alarm is a separate option from OEM keyless entry.
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Old 04-24-2013, 11:24 PM   #5
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If they want to get in they'll get in. They could just pick it up and put it in the back of someones truck.
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Old 04-25-2013, 09:46 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by why? View Post
Odds are you have the original key. Many Yaris never had fobs, security systems, or power locks of any kind. They were extremely rare expensive options in 2007.

Just get the system you have put in correctly, it should not cost much to take it to a place to do it.

If you really think your car originally came with something like that, a normal key would never actually work to start it, because the first thing Toyota did was install immobilizers into the cars, which means you had to have the correct key to start the car.
I know for a fact the key I have is not the original key because 1) it doesn't have the Toyota symbol on it and 2) I actually have a security system in my car. On the center console near the emergency brake there is a tiny square that says "security" and it has a tiny little red bump above it that I'm assuming is a light.

This is what it looks like.

Because of the key I have now, I haven't even seen the security light come on at all. Like I said, it's lying dormant. Maybe I just got the 2007 Yaris that's special and actually has a security system unlike other ones? I don't know, but either way.
I'm thinking that if I get a new FOB key cut and programmed to my car I could use the security system. If I'm able to do that, I'm assuming the key I have now wouldn't be able to be used, correct? That could prove most useful.

Last edited by Sephymuffins; 04-25-2013 at 10:02 AM. Reason: Adding info.
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Old 04-25-2013, 11:21 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sephymuffins View Post
I know for a fact the key I have is not the original key because 1) it doesn't have the Toyota symbol on it and 2) I actually have a security system in my car. On the center console near the emergency brake there is a tiny square that says "security" and it has a tiny little red bump above it that I'm assuming is a light.

This is what it looks like.

Because of the key I have now, I haven't even seen the security light come on at all. Like I said, it's lying dormant. Maybe I just got the 2007 Yaris that's special and actually has a security system unlike other ones? I don't know, but either way.
I'm thinking that if I get a new FOB key cut and programmed to my car I could use the security system. If I'm able to do that, I'm assuming the key I have now wouldn't be able to be used, correct? That could prove most useful.
If you have that security light assembly on the center console, then your Yaris has the Toyota RS3200 TVIP alarm (which is a dealer installed option).

So, now you just need one of the keys with the remote to get it working. There are four different key part numbers for 2007, so if you want to PM me the VIN for your car, I can verify which part number you will need to purchase.
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Old 04-25-2013, 11:39 PM   #8
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What Scott said. Yea, special is a way of putting it. Those things were extremely expensive options.

Usually those vehicles also had engine immobilizers, which means the key had a chip in it so without that one key the car would not start. Odd that your car did not have that.

Originally Posted by Sephymuffins View Post
I know for a fact the key I have is not the original key because 1) it doesn't have the Toyota symbol on it and 2) I actually have a security system in my car. On the center console near the emergency brake there is a tiny square that says "security" and it has a tiny little red bump above it that I'm assuming is a light.

This is what it looks like.

Because of the key I have now, I haven't even seen the security light come on at all. Like I said, it's lying dormant. Maybe I just got the 2007 Yaris that's special and actually has a security system unlike other ones? I don't know, but either way.
I'm thinking that if I get a new FOB key cut and programmed to my car I could use the security system. If I'm able to do that, I'm assuming the key I have now wouldn't be able to be used, correct? That could prove most useful.
Colin Chapman disciple
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key, keyless, security system

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