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Old 08-15-2009, 07:47 PM   #1
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Greddy xB kit vs Greddy Fit kit

I was just looking at Greddy's web site. I noticed a difference between Scion xB kit and the Honda Fit kit. The xB bolt on kit comes with a TF-035-14GK with a cast maniford w/e-manage at $2,950.00. The Honda Fit kit comes with a TD035HL 14GK-6cm with a type 31 1/c, cast mani., 99% plug-in Ultimate at $3,980.00.

The Toyota Yaris has a 1.5 VVT-i motor. I read that the 1.5 liter VVT-i motor is built under license from Honda. The Honda Fit has a 1.5 liter VTEC motor. So how likely is the Honda Fit kit to work in the Toyota Yaris?

Given what I have read about the e-manage being a failure in the Toyota Yaris, what is the chance that the 99% plug-in Ultimate made for a Honda Fit would work in a Toyota Yaris? Some web sites claim that the Greddy e-manage is pre-programmed for the xB. How likely is that to be true? The Greddy web site does not say that about the e-manage for the xB.
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Old 08-16-2009, 01:08 AM   #2
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hmmmm doubtful... I've sen the exhaust side of a fit engine some time ago and if i remember, the bolt locations are not quite the same. I doubt the port size and spacing would match too...

And where's you read about toyota licensing a honda engine design? The 1NZ that we have has been in service for many many years?

The success or failure of a certain engine management has probably more to do with the capabilities of the installer and the quirks of the engine in question than the kit itself.

I believe the e-manage itself is not pre-programmed but you can download and install pre-created profiles into it.

But hey, don't quote me on any of this, I've never tried it for myself, just done a good bit of research.

The best answer is, no matter which route you choose, be prepared to have to spend a lot of time and/or money to get things working properly.
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Bye bye 1NZ...
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Old 08-16-2009, 07:41 AM   #3
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you're pretty much guaranteed it won't work

the intake manifold from car to car is going to be different....different bolt holes, different flange sizes, different intake shapes.....and remember, the fit is drive-by-wire and the xb has a throttle cable

as for emanage....the wiring pinouts will be different between the fit and the xb...thats for sure. but emanage is emanage. i'd bet that greddy sends them w/ a safe map to run the s/c on either car though, so if you got an emanage from a fit you'd have to rewire it for the xb AND download a new map onto the emanage.
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:22 AM   #4
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"ellenbetty"a Yaris has a 1.5 VVT-i motor. I read that the 1.5 liter VVT-i motor is built under license from Honda.
Where did you read that?
The Honda Fit has a 1.5 liter VTEC motor. So how likely is the Honda Fit kit to work in the Toyota Yaris?
The only thing that they have in common is that they are 1.5 liters
Given what I have read about the e-manage being a failure in the Toyota Yaris
Not true:
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Old 08-16-2009, 03:14 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by cdydjded View Post
"ellenbetty"a Yaris has a 1.5 VVT-i motor. I read that the 1.5 liter VVT-i motor is built under license from Honda.
Where did you read that?
The Honda Fit has a 1.5 liter VTEC motor. So how likely is the Honda Fit kit to work in the Toyota Yaris?
The only thing that they have in common is that they are 1.5 liters
Given what I have read about the e-manage being a failure in the Toyota Yaris
Not true:
Where did I read that Toyota builds the VVT-I under license from Honda? Automotive history web site. Honda auto history web page. Japanese patient law is different than US patient law. Japanese law requires the company that patients a item to license out the patient to other Japanese companies. Japanese government does not want one company to have a competive edge over other Japanese companies because of a important patient.

Isn't eManage and eManage Ultimate two different products?
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Old 08-16-2009, 04:15 PM   #6
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AFAIK, yamaha designs the heads on toyotas. they may or may not for honda, and even if they did, they would be built to hondas specs and the flanges they use will more than likely be different. there are many toyota parts that are interchangeable between certain motors, but i've never seen interchangeability between different engine manufacturers.
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Old 08-16-2009, 05:14 PM   #7
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During WWII Toyota made almost exact copies of the truck the US Army was using at the time. Captured Toyota made Japanese Army trucks could be repaired using American made parts. Most parts were interchangable.

Of course what some people would try during a war because of shortage of vehicles is different than what most people would try during peace time. It is a interesting question. How much did Toyota copy directly from Honda's VVT-i motor design? Or did Toyota just use a available motor and improve that motor to make it compatible with the Honda computer control system that is the center piece of the VVT-i system?
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Old 08-16-2009, 07:37 PM   #8
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it won't work
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Old 08-16-2009, 08:58 PM   #9
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Automotive history is both interesting and educational - But the point of the thread is whether it will work, right?

Not one measurement, angle, distance or anything real has been posted yet (except for the displacement) that would allow us to compare the two motors.

I can guarantee no one has tried it yet, so... I say, BUY IT, BUY IT, BUY IT! -- then you can tell everyone with 100% certainty if it worked or not.
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by cali yaris View Post

I can guarantee no one has tried it yet, so... I say, BUY IT, BUY IT, BUY IT! -- then you can tell everyone with 100% certainty if it worked or not.
I knew you were going to say that. Once I get my paint job and vinyl detailing paid for, I will deside which turbo kit to buy and which local shop to hire to install it. I figure the turbo kit will be my next birthday present to myself.
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Old 08-16-2009, 11:34 PM   #11
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your going to waste a lot of money......and confuse the hell out of the hired shop.
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Old 08-17-2009, 12:15 PM   #12
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I knew you were going to say that.
And you knew that because...?
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Old 08-17-2009, 05:10 PM   #13
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Old 08-17-2009, 05:15 PM   #14
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Well, as the old addage goes, anything can be done with enough money.
Seriously, though, there are WAY many more options as far as forced induction go. Considering how much money you'd be throwing at the hired shop to make the Fit kit fit into the Yaris, you could buy a Blitz supercharger, an xB turbo kit (would need modification), or piece together your own kit. There's a lot of threads already on the forums listing what you would need to make your own kit. Be logical, and stay away from the Fit turbo kit. You would be giving yourself a HUGE headache and punishing your wallet/purse when you don't need to.
If you do still want to blow a bunch of money on making the Fit kit work, then all power to you.
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:33 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by mrbond View Post
you could buy a Blitz supercharger, an xB turbo kit (would need modification), or piece together your own kit.
I never said I figure the Fit Kit a best buy. The question was meant as a research question. I do not know enough about turbos to feel at ease trying to assemble my own turbo kit. From what I have read about super chargers, they always reduce fuel economy. I prefer the idea of using wasted energy to power boosting the motor output when needed. I question that a super charger would be compatable with hypermiling, which I do most of the time I am driving. Since my goal is low end boost, a one size fits all 1.5 liter motors super charger does not feel right. Nor do I wish to buy a turbocharger that has a top end power output powerful enough to put out more than 5 to 8 psi boost. Plus I would like to avoid using after market octane booster. Trying to figure out which turbo would work best to meet my goal is confusing to me. At this point I am leading toward the Greddy xB kit purchased direct from Greddy. I question some of the web sites that claim to be able to sell the Greddy xB turbo kit $900 less than Greddy sells the xB turbo kit direct.
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:38 PM   #16
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I question that a super charger would be compatable with hypermiling,
It is if it can be turned off, as the Blitz kit does. You can't turn off a turbo, and it's difficult to drive without spooling it up.
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:39 PM   #17
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I question some of the web sites that claim to be able to sell the Greddy xB turbo kit $900 less than Greddy sells the xB turbo kit direct.
Of course they can, just like I can for almost all of my product lines, including Blitz, Tanabe, NST, Silk Road, Progress, etc etc.....
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Old 08-17-2009, 07:40 PM   #18
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Since my goal is low end boost,
That is what a supercharger does -- not a turbocharger.
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