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Old 05-30-2013, 07:35 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by jambo101 View Post
I'd be really concerned about that 130 mile already on the car. When you ask why they'll probably say it had to be transferred from another dealer,at that point you say 130 miles makes that a used car,i'll give you $13K for it.
I'd be more concerned that it was a previous model year. My Yaris has 120 miles on it -- the dealership of delivery = another dealership owned by the same family in an area with much less foot traffic and volume (north of CTScott and enviri's neck of the woods). I went with the flow as 5 speeds were so hard to find, and I haven't regretted that decision.

I'd also get it checked out by an independent mechanic to eliminate the possibility it wasnt in a wreck,if the dealer doesnt let you get it inspected dont even think of buying this car.
Absolutely on the money with this. Remember, as has been asked and answered on another thread, the odometer can be manipulated.

If a deal at a dealer doesnt go to your liking you have the final option of walking out the door and taking your business/money elsewhere.
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Old 05-31-2013, 01:10 AM   #20
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This is all very helpful. Thank you.
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Old 05-31-2013, 01:12 AM   #21
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Thanks everyone. I'm going in tomorrow to try an negotiate. We'll see what happens
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Old 05-31-2013, 01:41 AM   #22
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I pm'd you.

But forgot to add one thing.

DO NOT walk in the front door cold.
The floor salespeople have no negotiating power, they will go back and forth to their manager.

CALL the "internet" "fleet" manager first, and either negotiate on the phone, or make an appointment to see him/her.

I negotiated the 2012, well I made an offer!! Over the phone, they called back and accepted. The 2013, I walked in with a prefilled check for the amount I wanted to pay.
I told them I only brought one.
Cheapest DD I could find!!
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Old 05-31-2013, 01:47 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Absolutely Red 12 View Post
I pm'd you.

But forgot to add one thing.

DO NOT walk in the front door cold.
The floor salespeople have no negotiating power, they will go back and forth to their manager.

CALL the "internet" "fleet" manager first, and either negotiate on the phone, or make an appointment to see him/her.

I negotiated the 2012, well I made an offer!! Over the phone, they called back and accepted. The 2013, I walked in with a prefilled check for the amount I wanted to pay.
I told them I only brought one.
Yeah thats good advice the internet fleet manager has the most power to adjust the price when you deal directly through a salesman his comission comes out of the total sale so he will pretend to be your friend but really its a game they play between him and the sales manager they will go back in forth to make you think your getting the best deal but his commission comes out of a percentage of the total profit of the sale the dealer makes, if you go through fleet manager you cut out the middle man and without the dealer having the pay the salesman commission they are able to give you a better discount pretty much close to rock bottom you ever will get.

From my experience 90 percent of the cheapest sales are always through internet sales you can actually chat online with them before you even go down, when i bought my yaris it was through internet sales as well.
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Old 05-31-2013, 01:53 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Septembersrain View Post
Definitely agree on bringing a guy friend. Either that or go in a really nice decked out suit.
Play hard ball.
The best negotiating tactic is to appear as if you've got plenty of options.
Bring in your patience and best poker face.

Good luck!
I wear jeans and a Motorhead t-shirt when I buy a car. If they judge me, they dont need to deal with me.
I'm a 56 year old ex-rocker with hair past my shoulders!!
Should have seen the faces when I walked in the door, sat in my future GTR, and told them I wanted to drive it off the floor!! Ironically, I had to deal with the sales manager, and negotiating price on a GTR, is unheard of.

I tell them, I want to buy a car, and spend no more than 45 minutes in that showroom.

The best negotiating tactic, is walking out the door. Yaris sales were down last month.
Cheapest DD I could find!!
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Old 05-31-2013, 12:22 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Absolutely Red 12 View Post
The 2013, I walked in with a prefilled check for the amount I wanted to pay.
I told them I only brought one.
I did this with my GTI except I brought a bunch of blank (re payee)
$1,000.00 money orders and one blank check for the last little bit. I also had the benefit of dealers doing price wars in the L.A. Times, but I still got an even lower price.
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Old 05-31-2013, 05:53 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by nookandcrannycar View Post
I did this with my GTI except I brought a bunch of blank (re payee)
$1,000.00 money orders and one blank check for the last little bit. I also had the benefit of dealers doing price wars in the L.A. Times, but I still got an even lower price.
Actually, I can't remember if (for the rest other than the money orders) if I paid with paper currency or wrote a check. There are two things everyone seems to be saying in one way or another -- 1. Demonstrate seriousness and 2. Be very willing to walk away. Re everything beyond that -- listen to Absolutely Red 12 . My Yaris purchase was the only vehicle purchase where I didn't feel I had the upper hand, and I didn't like that. The dealership knew that they had one of only five 5-speeds in the northeast...they knew I was a far away out of state buyer (those two things I couldn't do anything about)....but my worry that the car would get sold out from under me was probably too apparent (I will never make that mistake again). One reason I don't want to wait until my Yaris needs an immediate repair (when I get to around 400k miles) is that I want that ability to walk away that I've always had in the past. I may end up buying out of state again if I want the All Weather Package (last time I checked Gulf States Toyota (the distributor) wasn't allowing that option in Texas), but I'll make sure that my current Yaris is still in good enough condition to be able to walk out without any qualms.
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:37 AM   #27
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As i may buy a car every 5 years or so theres no way i can match the knowledge, wiles or cunning a dealer can bring to bare as he does this routine several times every day.
Best i can do on a new car is know the ball park price for the car i'm interested in with the options i want, if he comes up with the price i have in mind we will probably do business.
Buying a used car is a total coin toss as to whether or not you'll get your monies worth.
Have Yaris will travel..
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Old 06-01-2013, 12:33 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Absolutely Red 12 View Post
I wear jeans and a Motorhead t-shirt when I buy a car. If they judge me, they dont need to deal with me.
I'm a 56 year old ex-rocker with hair past my shoulders!!
Should have seen the faces when I walked in the door, sat in my future GTR, and told them I wanted to drive it off the floor!! Ironically, I had to deal with the sales manager, and negotiating price on a GTR, is unheard of.

I tell them, I want to buy a car, and spend no more than 45 minutes in that showroom.

The best negotiating tactic, is walking out the door. Yaris sales were down last month.
Yeah but they always downplay a woman, No matter what.
So for me, I like to give the appearance of someone who takes no BS.

It doesn't help that I look like a teenager at 28 either. =P

Good luck OP! Hope everything works out like you want it to!
Don't be a drip. ◄~(¬ _¬)~
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Old 06-02-2013, 01:31 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by msmith View Post
Thanks! I also might bringing a guy friend along. I'm worried, as a woman, they'll think I don't know anything about cars and try to take advantage.
My wife had some *bad* experiences with car dealers pulling stuff on her. She spoke with management at two different dealerships because of it. One manager scoffed and tried to lecture her about financing; she left that place and never came back. The other manager immediately apologized and took over the sales process, and made sure she got a fair price without being insulted.

Though I think the most hilarious one was the dealership where she asked to test-drive a stick-shift, and four or five salesmen gathered around to see the spectacle that was a woman who wanted to drive stick, say how awesome they thought that was, and started talking engines and torque and such. She said it was as if the minute she said, "stick," she suddenly became "one of the guys."
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Old 06-03-2013, 07:11 AM   #30
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What is this crap?
Synthetic Oil: Its All In Your Head
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Old 06-03-2013, 04:14 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by bronsin View Post
What is this crap?
The piles of SPAM (very irritating, but only on other threads), or member's opinions on this thread .?
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Old 06-03-2013, 05:34 PM   #32
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I'd rather have a thread full of useful suggestions and opinions than someone selling some crap I've never heard of (Or ever want to hear of again). =D

and yeah, Being a female who drives automatic.. I always have to watch the sales/finance people.
I have to read all the fine print and usually I have to walk away at least twice to get a good deal.
The people at the dealership are so uncouth on how they think women are inferior and easily to take advantage of. =/
Don't be a drip. ◄~(¬ _¬)~
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Old 06-03-2013, 07:38 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Septembersrain View Post
I'd rather have a thread full of useful suggestions and opinions than someone selling some crap I've never heard of (Or ever want to hear of again). =D

and yeah, Being a female who drives automatic.. I always have to watch the sales/finance people.
I have to read all the fine print and usually I have to walk away at least twice to get a good deal.
The people at the dealership are so uncouth on how they think women are inferior and easily to take advantage of. =/
I was teasing bronsin, that's why I included the big grin. I think he was talking about the SPAM, but he doesn't come out and actually say so and he put that message on a thread (this one) that doesn't include any SPAM.

Re financing, it's usually better (if possible) to get pre approved by your bank or a credit union so that all you have to negotiate with the dealer is the price.

You are right there are a fair number of biases in the car business that should have been elimated long ago. I also think (and I don't mean to offend anyone's religion) that the law in Texas where a dealership has to be closed one of the two weekend days is kind of silly.
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Old 06-03-2013, 07:44 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by nookandcrannycar View Post
the law in Texas where a dealership has to be closed one of the two weekend days is kind of silly.
I remembered having someone tell me that when I didn't know.
I was like "Oh joy, I work every day but Sunday."
Guess what is the only dealership open on Sunday?
Ancira... That dealership can jump in a lake along with their credit flinging tactics that ruin credit!
I like them about as much as I like Red McCombs.. Which isn't saying much.
Don't be a drip. ◄~(¬ _¬)~
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Old 06-03-2013, 08:52 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Septembersrain View Post
I remembered having someone tell me that when I didn't know.
I was like "Oh joy, I work every day but Sunday."
Guess what is the only dealership open on Sunday?
Ancira... That dealership can jump in a lake along with their credit flinging tactics that ruin credit!
I like them about as much as I like Red McCombs.. Which isn't saying much.
There are 2 Fred Haas Toyota dealerships here, both North of Beltway 8, one is on SH249 and the other on Interstate 45. One is closed only on Saturdays and the other is closed only on Sundays (at least that was the case the last time I checked).
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Old 06-04-2013, 12:38 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by msmith View Post
Thanks everyone. I'm going in tomorrow to try an negotiate. We'll see what happens
Which dealer? Beck Toyota on US 31? I got my Yaris there, they didn't treat me any different because I'm a woman and I went alone Even when they took me back to the Finance Manager to try and add all the extras on, I only had to say "NO" once.
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2012 yaris, negotiating, price

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