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Old 06-04-2013, 09:02 PM   #37
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I have a car broker if you're interested. He can find what you want or need new or used. He can even get you a loan if you need it.

The Broker is in NJ, and mostly does NJ, NY, CT and PA. However he can do anywhere in the US.

I Always hear dealers saying, this or that doesn't make sense. However, they never explain what that means. Usually it means that it Doesn't Make Sense, because we Can Not Afford a certain car.

Instead of saying that, they just say, you want that car, but it doesn't make sense.

Makes sense to me!

What this Broker will do or any other Broker or Banker, they put you in a car you can afford, not what we want.

Guess this is why we're all in Yaris'
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Old 06-04-2013, 09:54 PM   #38
Absolutely Red 12
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Originally Posted by nookandcrannycar View Post
Re financing, it's usually better (if possible) to get pre approved by your bank or a credit union so that all you have to negotiate with the dealer is the price.

I'll respectfully disagree with that statement.
Dealer financing is always a better rate thank bank or credit union. (With tier I credit of course)
You need to make the deal on the car first, then bring ip financing, once you locked in the price.

I bought a Ford 10 years ago, stating I will get financing from the CU.
We made the deal, then deducted the rebates, and I told them I would be back with a CU check.
They shat their pants, no way was I leaving without the car!!
The manager bought me and the wife breakfast, (Galpin Ford has a restaurant), asked if they could run my credit.
He came back with 0.9% financing. I told them I would rather have the rebates, along with CU financing, as it would be less in the long run.

Guess what, I got the rebate along with the 0.9 financing!! Plus a Ford Credit loyalty rebate on top of that!!

DO NOT let the dealer run the "Four Square System" (search this) make one negotiation at a time.
If you have a trade, then bring it up after the deal, and financing have been dealt. You can always Carmax it for more.
Cheapest DD I could find!!
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Old 06-04-2013, 09:57 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by screenprintr View Post
I have a car broker if you're interested. He can find what you want or need new or used. He can even get you a loan if you need it.

The Broker is in NJ, and mostly does NJ, NY, CT and PA. However he can do anywhere in the US.

I Always hear dealers saying, this or that doesn't make sense. However, they never explain what that means. Usually it means that it Doesn't Make Sense, because we Can Not Afford a certain car.

Instead of saying that, they just say, you want that car, but it doesn't make sense.

Makes sense to me!

What this Broker will do or any other Broker or Banker, they put you in a car you can afford, not what we want.

Guess this is why we're all in Yaris'
Brokers get a fee, where it comes from is usually out of your pocket.
The time I would spend with a broker would be more than going into a dealer educated.

I'm into 2 Yaris', 1 Infiniti FX35, and 1 Nissan GTR!!
Cheapest DD I could find!!
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Old 06-04-2013, 11:31 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Absolutely Red 12 View Post
Brokers get a fee, where it comes from is usually out of your pocket.
The time I would spend with a broker would be more than going into a dealer educated.
^^^^^ This x 10.
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Old 06-05-2013, 12:24 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Absolutely Red 12 View Post
DO NOT let the dealer run the "Four Square System" (search this) make one negotiation at a time.
If you have a trade, then bring it up after the deal, and financing have been dealt. You can always Carmax it for more.
^^^^^ This x 10...(at least SOME things haven't changed in the car business )

Your reference to 'dealer financing' you mean the dealer's outside inexpensive source or do you mean the actual dealer (or a financing source that the dealer owns) taking the paper?

When my dad was in car sales (20 + years ago = his last year -- new and used -- and he has passed ) dealer financing was more expensive for the customer. That was also before the Internet helped level the playing field for for customers able to arm themselves with information and required a sharper focus and attention to more varied profit streams on the dealer end.

Given the cost of a Yaris, do you think most people with Tier 1 credit would even bother to play the spread rather than pay cash? Playing the spread (rather than paying cash) has never appealed to me for 2 reasons -- 1. I'd rather be able to not be required to have collision and save that premium (and this makes more sense the cheaper the car is as the total of the spread = fewer dollars) and 2. There could be some screw up where a computer system malfunctions and the automatic payment doesn't get applied in a timely manner --- with cash, that situation wouldn't exist.
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Old 06-20-2013, 11:39 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by nookandcrannycar View Post
^^^^^ This x 10...(at least SOME things haven't changed in the car business )

Your reference to 'dealer financing' you mean the dealer's outside inexpensive source or do you mean the actual dealer (or a financing source that the dealer owns) taking the paper?
Sorry, Factory financing, always a great deal for tier 1!!
Cheapest DD I could find!!
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Old 06-22-2013, 10:54 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Absolutely Red 12 View Post
Sorry, Factory financing, always a great deal for tier 1!!
When in the interest rate is below 3%, its great no matter who gives it to you.
Big Dave
Indianapolis, IN

Synthetic Oil....its in my car.....for at least 10,000 miles!

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Old 06-27-2013, 05:16 PM   #44
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Where'd msmith go ???

I have to say I wish msmith would have brought some closure to this thread. Did she get the 2012 or a Yaris at all? If she did, she should be posting here!!!
Sorry, peeves me, I like closure -
This is the first car I have ever financed, I got a 1.9% interest rate & the payments are under 100 bucks a month - I may pay it off after awhile, we'll see. They knocked $800 off of the sticker price, we're happy.
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Old 06-27-2013, 05:48 PM   #45
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^lol, I saw the thread and was thinking the same thing, what ended up happening?

She bought a Fit! j/k
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Old 06-27-2013, 08:51 PM   #46
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Don't be a drip. ◄~(¬ _¬)~
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Old 06-28-2013, 05:48 PM   #47
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DID SHE BUY A FORD FIESTA with the dual clutch transmission??
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2012 yaris, negotiating, price

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