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Old 08-14-2007, 01:01 PM   #109
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That's so cool! Thanks for the link. Its nice to get the insider view of it. And it sounds like the next one is going to be even better with more read outs! I hope they don't bump the price to high.
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Old 08-14-2007, 07:47 PM   #110
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Bump This offer is still valid; I did my order yesterday.

NOTE: In my hands 48 hours after I ordered it, installed and working in about 15 minutes.

Last edited by Rotorheader; 08-16-2007 at 07:04 PM.
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Old 08-15-2007, 04:05 PM   #111
Pavel Olavich
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The only complaint I have of the ScanGauge II is that when the car is in DFCO mode (search this term if you don't know what it is), the ScanGuage II will not show GPH at zero. Anyone know otherwise?
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Old 08-15-2007, 05:08 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Pavel Olavich View Post
The only complaint I have of the ScanGauge II is that when the car is in DFCO mode (search this term if you don't know what it is), the ScanGuage II will not show GPH at zero. Anyone know otherwise?
thats maybe because DFCO doesnt exist... i still think its a myth..again others opinion differs..
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Old 08-16-2007, 02:13 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by marcus View Post
thats maybe because DFCO doesnt exist... i still think its a myth..again others opinion differs..
Oh, it's real, bruda....but I think it's more effective with manual trannies.
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Old 08-16-2007, 03:41 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Pavel Olavich View Post
Oh, it's real, bruda....but I think it's more effective with manual trannies.
pavel.. i really wanna believe it ,just to be honest with you..but i did my research in regards to "dfco"..not on a toyota history not even on makers of vvti engine.. where did this come from?. who started it ? and how come scangauge2 doesnt adjust to it when in use...

i found this: it did exist but not the way it was presented..

Deceleration fuel cut-off:
"A device which stops the flow of fuel to the carburetor or injectors when the vehicle rapidly decelerates in the event of a crash thus preventing the possibility of a fire or explosion."

Last edited by marcus; 08-16-2007 at 03:58 PM.
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Old 08-16-2007, 07:40 PM   #115
Pavel Olavich
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Originally Posted by marcus View Post
pavel.. i really wanna believe it ,just to be honest with you..but i did my research in regards to "dfco"..not on a toyota history not even on makers of vvti engine.. where did this come from?. who started it ? and how come scangauge2 doesnt adjust to it when in use...

i found this: it did exist but not the way it was presented..

Deceleration fuel cut-off:
"A device which stops the flow of fuel to the carburetor or injectors when the vehicle rapidly decelerates in the event of a crash thus preventing the possibility of a fire or explosion."
Well, I myself do not have any credible evidence that it does exists....I think the ScanGauge II is buggy, frankly. Not saying it is a bad product....on the contrary it's a great product, but it does have it's strangeness....but to the point of DFCO, I've tried a few tests of my own, as mentioned by BailOut, and I tend to think it does exist...but I could be wrong too...
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Old 08-16-2007, 07:46 PM   #116
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Marcus, read this Toyota white paper on ECU stuff, pluse DFCO too (page 11). It is this paper that suggest that our Yaris does in fact have DFCO....
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Old 08-16-2007, 08:10 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Pavel Olavich View Post
Marcus, read this Toyota white paper on ECU stuff, pluse DFCO too (page 11). It is this paper that suggest that our Yaris does in fact have DFCO....
ya pavel i was just reading that earlier.. now is that for vvti for yaris and if dfco exist i still dont get how it works. do you down shift on higher revs so cut off last longer or what...?? well im now much of a believer then again i always down shift to slow down anyways so in a way i have been using the what so called "DFCO"...

lets get back to scangauge 2... whan is scangauge3 coming out??
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Old 08-16-2007, 08:26 PM   #118
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The SGII cannot definitively show a DFCO mode because there are no OBDII codes for fuel injection. As such, each manufacturer makes their own codes, and as of today they are proprietary.

I'm not sure why anyone would doubt the existence of DFCO. It's not science fiction. It is documented in many places, and can be tested by any individual using what I outlined here. It's a simple concept, and whether a car has DFCO or not is highly obvious when the test I outlined is performed on a vehicle that doesn't have it (when I tried it on my rental Aveo (I can't believe GM actually produced this car... no thought, no soul, no reliability, CELs at the drop of a hat, etc...) its AT immediately went into a protective mode, and when I tried it on our old Tacoma it was like driving through a meter of water).

There are even varying levels of DFCO. One of the rental cars I got stuck with when my Yaris' door was being repaired was a POS GMC Canyon pickup. It was a real PITA to drive down the mountain because (aside from handling like an overweight marshmallow that would understeer or oversteer but never rail a turn) it took like 3 or 4 seconds of engine braking to start DFCO, but only half of the 6 cylinders. Then, after 8 - 10 seconds more, it would shut the rest of them off. It made for some rather unpredictable but inevitable engine braking.
- Brian

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Old 08-17-2007, 07:44 AM   #119
Pavel Olavich
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Originally Posted by BailOut View Post
The SGII cannot definitively show a DFCO mode because there are no OBDII codes for fuel injection. As such, each manufacturer makes their own codes, and as of today they are proprietary.

I'm not sure why anyone would doubt the existence of DFCO. It's not science fiction. It is documented in many places, and can be tested by any individual using what I outlined here. It's a simple concept, and whether a car has DFCO or not is highly obvious when the test I outlined is performed on a vehicle that doesn't have it (when I tried it on my rental Aveo (I can't believe GM actually produced this car... no thought, no soul, no reliability, CELs at the drop of a hat, etc...) its AT immediately went into a protective mode, and when I tried it on our old Tacoma it was like driving through a meter of water).

There are even varying levels of DFCO. One of the rental cars I got stuck with when my Yaris' door was being repaired was a POS GMC Canyon pickup. It was a real PITA to drive down the mountain because (aside from handling like an overweight marshmallow that would understeer or oversteer but never rail a turn) it took like 3 or 4 seconds of engine braking to start DFCO, but only half of the 6 cylinders. Then, after 8 - 10 seconds more, it would shut the rest of them off. It made for some rather unpredictable but inevitable engine braking.
I tend to agree with you, however I don't see a need for a special code to signify DFCO, because if DFCO is in process, then the injectors are no longer feeding gas, so then the GPH should be zero, yea? I've got an auto tranny in my Yaris, by the way, and I think DFCO works in conjunction with the grade logic, and torque converter lock up processes, but I can't be so sure. Yet.

By the way, that POS Chevy Aveo is not made by's Korean (Kia or Hyundai)'s a rebadged POS, for cost less then our Yaris, but the cost of ownership over 5 years is much more.

A bit off topic, but what kind of oil do you run? What is your change intervals?

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Old 08-17-2007, 11:24 AM   #120
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The SGII's GPH reading isn't done directly from a flow meter or anything. It is inferred by your RPM, speed, and air flow. This is why you still see ~0.2 GPH when in DFCO... that's the closest the SGII can get according to its internal math as you're still producing high RPM.

Check your PMs for my oil metrics. I don't want to derail this thread.
- Brian

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Old 08-17-2007, 01:22 PM   #121
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I bought the scangauge II and tried plugging it into my 2007 Yaris MT. I had the key ON and also tried with the engine running, but all i got was "Connecting...." and never quite connected. I would like to know if anyone has had this problem.

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Old 08-17-2007, 01:47 PM   #122
Pavel Olavich
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Originally Posted by BailOut View Post
The SGII's GPH reading isn't done directly from a flow meter or anything. It is inferred by your RPM, speed, and air flow. This is why you still see ~0.2 GPH when in DFCO... that's the closest the SGII can get according to its internal math as you're still producing high RPM.

Check your PMs for my oil metrics. I don't want to derail this thread.
I was under the impression that the GPH value was input to the ScanGauge II via the ODB port, and not calculated by it....I certainly could be wrong however.
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Old 08-17-2007, 02:06 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by dawasherpa View Post
I bought the scangauge II and tried plugging it into my 2007 Yaris MT. I had the key ON and also tried with the engine running, but all i got was "Connecting...." and never quite connected. I would like to know if anyone has had this problem.

I've never seen this issue but I would try re-seating the OBDII connector as it sounds like it might not be a solid connection.

If it still doesn't work then I'd try completely disconnecting everything for an hour or so, then hooking it back up and immediately starting the engine. This will give it the best chance for making that initial connection.

If it still doesn't work at that point you should take your car to a local shop and ask them to hook their reader up, just to see if theirs works or not. If it does you know you have a bad SGII and you can RMA it. If it doesn't you know you need to take the Yaris to the dealership to get the OBDII port working.
- Brian

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Old 08-19-2007, 04:34 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by BailOut View Post
I've never seen this issue but I would try re-seating the OBDII connector as it sounds like it might not be a solid connection.

If it still doesn't work then I'd try completely disconnecting everything for an hour or so, then hooking it back up and immediately starting the engine. This will give it the best chance for making that initial connection.

If it still doesn't work at that point you should take your car to a local shop and ask them to hook their reader up, just to see if theirs works or not. If it does you know you have a bad SGII and you can RMA it. If it doesn't you know you need to take the Yaris to the dealership to get the OBDII port working.
Reseating the connector did not work. To make sure SG II wasn't the problem, I hooked it up to Dodge Neon of my friends and it worked fine. So, now I know it's the Yaris's OBDII connector. I have scheduled a appointment to look into it, although they were telling me that the SGII may not be compatible with Yaris. But I know SGII is compatible as you guys have it working for you. So, we'll see what the problem is.

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Old 08-31-2007, 03:13 AM   #125
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Originally Posted by dawasherpa View Post
Reseating the connector did not work. To make sure SG II wasn't the problem, I hooked it up to Dodge Neon of my friends and it worked fine. So, now I know it's the Yaris's OBDII connector. I have scheduled a appointment to look into it, although they were telling me that the SGII may not be compatible with Yaris. But I know SGII is compatible as you guys have it working for you. So, we'll see what the problem is.

Turns out, I got a bad Scangauge. The company was nice enough to exchange it for a new one, which worked right away.

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Old 09-16-2007, 08:51 PM   #126
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on my yaris scan gauge says open loop any time i take my foot off the gas pedal as soon as I give it gas it say closed loop this is all the time not just when the engine is cold is this normal?
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