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Old 05-02-2006, 06:59 PM   #37
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From what we've been seeing every Yaris in the USA at this point does come with the convenience (CQ) package.

I am sure that eventually there will be a few base models around somewhere.
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Old 06-13-2006, 03:56 AM   #38
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I don't see how anyone could ACTUALLY pay MSRP on anything but a limited edition car!!? If you couldn't get a better price it's either because you don't understand the idea of negotiation or just don't search around. When i first walked in to buy mine, they swore up and down that they couldn't sell below MSRP, but after test driving one and then starting to walk out the door saying "well, now that i know what I want I'll just call around and get a better price somewhere else", they were willing to listen to my offer :P

some of you guys are suckers, no offense :P falling for a sleeze-ball car salesman's lines about "these cars are hard to find" and "the only way you can get one is to put a deposit down"...haha.

The best way to buy a car is to go out and DRIVE EVERY POSSIBILITY, then when you know EXACTLY what you want (with options and what you will "settle for") you call around to atleast 50 dealerships within 300 miles and ask for their Internet Sales Manager. Sometimes dealership websites will offer COUPONS that must be presented for a "discount". After you have the best price, you can take that price back to your local dealership and ask them to meet/beat it..and remind them that they will be doing the Service work, regardless if they sell the car to you or now.
Again, if you fall for the scams of a scuzzy car salesman, I can't take your opinion seriously since you don't take the time to form your own INFORMED decisions..

Originally Posted by Idjiit
I sincerely doubt any of the early adopters here are going to receive any discounts. Reportedly the markup on the Yarii is really really small.
haha, who'd you hear this from, the Saleperson who sold you your Yaris?! and you believed him?! classic!! It's funny, car salesman are trained to pressure sale and take advantage of other's ignorance..not a single one i've met yet has known a DARN thing about the cars they sell. hell, the Toyota salesperson that sold me mine didn't know that it had electric power steering, electric radiator fan, Electronic throttle control..WHICH ARE ALL LISTED AS THE TOP features in the BROCHURE HE WAS SHOWING ME!!! don't have to know your product to sell to a sucker. Stealerships have figured this out and taught all their salepeople how to COERCE a deposit by acting like "if you don't act now and give me a deposit for a car that i don't even have, you will lose it"... THAT's SAD, but not as sad as someone believing them...

Last edited by TRD_Yaris; 06-13-2006 at 04:12 AM.
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Old 07-23-2006, 12:12 PM   #39
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kidding right?

Long winded response showing a lack of experience....9 Toyota's new in 15 years and I paid close to MSRP for the first time. I also paid $17,000 less than for my last Tundra which was $300 over invoice. There are NO liftbacks on the ground here and 2 dealerships are consistently getting OVER MSRP. Like it or not supply hasn't reached demand. BTW I will save over $2300 in gas in my first year.
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Old 07-31-2006, 02:34 PM   #40
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Just spoke with the local dealership about obtaining an '07 Yaris 3DR. He has none, and for a Polar White 3DR Manual, it will be about 2 months before I see it. He did mention however, that all Yaris' for the US are built with the convienience package, so good luck finding one with out. Personally, I feel that they are probably making that as profit on the car, since all cars are being produced with that package. Suprisingly, he wasn't trying to sell that hard (probably could tell that I am flat broke lol). So for a base model + convienience pakcage + destination + plus tax, tags came to 13,660.42. Not too bad, considering the Honda Fit MSRP is 13,250 excluding all the extra charges. I will most likely be putting my deposit down in a couple weeks and have it ordered. My first brand new car, so I'll wait for the color I want.
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Old 07-31-2006, 04:19 PM   #41
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TRD Yaris, more than just limited edition cars. Cars in high demand will get MSRP or HIGHER. Can you say PRIUS. When the PRIUS first came out dealers were getting $3000 premium.

The YARIS is a low price car w/o much markup. You are not going to get a MSRP of $17,010 on the sedan with extras and have Toyota take $8000 off.

Also new cars like the Yaris are in demand for one thing, MPG, and another is is a NEW car.

If the person enjoys the car and what they paid for it, then that is great. Both parties are happy. Leave it at that.

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Old 07-31-2006, 07:31 PM   #42
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Old 08-11-2006, 10:21 PM   #43
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Detailed dealer pricing on the new, 2007 Toyota Yaris.

as expected
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Old 08-11-2006, 10:37 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by tomjasz
as expected
all info on that pdf very similar to when you build there.
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Old 08-12-2006, 04:31 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by TRD_Yaris
I don't see how anyone could ACTUALLY pay MSRP on anything but a limited edition car!!? If you couldn't get a better price it's either because you don't understand the idea of negotiation or just don't search around. When i first walked in to buy mine, they swore up and down that they couldn't sell below MSRP, but after test driving one and then starting to walk out the door saying "well, now that i know what I want I'll just call around and get a better price somewhere else", they were willing to listen to my offer :P
To bad your critical thinking skills don't match your mechanical genius! THERE ARE NO LB's IN SOME CITIES. THERE ARE DIFFERENCES IN OPTION PACKS BETWEEN REGIONS! California vehicles, for example do not have cold weather pack options! 14 dealers in AZ region AND NO FUCKING ALLOCATIONS FOR LB's. Lots of under MSRP deals on SEDANS as they are apparntly not selling as fast as LB's could IMO. BTW O% INTEREST ON A DIRECT PURCHASE.
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Old 08-21-2006, 08:14 AM   #46
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Toyota Announces 2007 Prices for Nine Vehicles in Model Lineup

The 2007 Yaris Liftback and Sedan receive an average price increase of $100, or 0.8 percent. Yaris pricing is effective in early September. The Yaris Liftback with a five-speed manual transmission carries a base MSRP of $11,050 and $11,925 for the Sedan with five-speed manual transmission.
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Old 08-21-2006, 06:39 PM   #47
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The increase is less than inflation. That's good!
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Old 09-05-2006, 08:06 PM   #48
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Question On Order!

I hav enever bought a car brand-new before. Can someone help me! I have ordered my Yaris and have not yet been given the option of dickering on the price. Can I dicker on a new car that I ordered? The MSRP is 16,250.00. Thanks,
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Old 09-05-2006, 10:48 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by scoggins13
I hav enever bought a car brand-new before. Can someone help me! I have ordered my Yaris and have not yet been given the option of dickering on the price. Can I dicker on a new car that I ordered? The MSRP is 16,250.00. Thanks,

Obviously I'm not expert but I can give some insight. These cars have a low mark up to start with and with it being in demand it will be hard to bargin. It really depends on the dealer and your situation. I believe if its on its way and all the papers are signed and secure I have a feeling its locked in but again I really don't know the situation and maybe someone who has done this can info ya, but hope that helps some what? Good luck!!
You may look good on the beach but in reality you're a pompus, egotistical jerk. "I was never on the beach with you..."and you never will.
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Old 09-14-2006, 09:36 AM   #50
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I bought a 2007 Yaris 4 door automatic silver sedan with a few miles on the ODOMETER, brand new from dealer show room with floor mats for $13,700 out the door (tax, tag, title, the works). The sale price before tax, tag and title was $12,800 (well below MSRP sticker of $13,497). Doc fees were $400, but I DID NOT PAY IT. Plus, I live in the SE states, so I paid INVOICE for a 4 door sedan. Beat that!
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:28 AM   #51
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we got ours on a dealer trade, so it was driven down from another was delayed so our saleswoman bought us dinner at the olive garden (no alcohol, geesh!) - considering most people pay MSRP, i'd say dinner was a good deal! oh and this chain of dealers gives other oil changes for life (of course you have to get their 15K, 30K, 45K etc. maintenance...i figure i'll get the 15K one, then be done with it at the 30K interval - $160 for one service and 8 oil changes sounds alright to me!). 5 cents off permanently at superamerica via a card - so you can use it for all your vehicles. $250 off your next vehicle if you buy within the chain of dealers, $250 off for a referred customer, plus you'll get $50 for referring them. not too bad all around!
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Old 10-11-2006, 08:45 PM   #52
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price paid in MX

Paid 171,900 MX = 15,672USD to be paid in 4 years..
so called "premium package" automatic, looks like an "S" version, but without the "S" badge and no spoilers. this is, it has MP3 player stereo, power windows and locks, 15" aluminum, colored mirrors, fog lights.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:35 PM   #53
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Okay, so I just bought my Yaris today!! So excited!! Beautiful 4 dr Sedan, automatic, with convenience package, color of Flint Mica. And I got it at $12,500, with $700 on a trade in. Sticker price showed $15,093 (they added floor mats and a pinstripe down the side at the dealership). No doc or transport fee - although, if I hadn't caught it, they would have tacked it on. Whaddya think?
Luvin my new Yaris!!
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Old 02-20-2007, 12:46 PM   #54
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Questions about purchasing a new yaris

Hey What up everyone? I currently own a 2003 kia spectra with many mods but still not worth it...its a kia....i am looking at purchasing a new yaris and am looking at the lift back but none of the dealerships can find on that i want and are telling me its impossible to find one like i went to and built my own total cost would be 11,950.00 for a base line with the shipping and handeling can anyone please help me out on what to do? is that a good price?
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