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Old 01-06-2007, 01:15 AM   #919
Racer X-8
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Originally Posted by Black Yaris View Post
the complete opposite happened here in Toledo, the gas prices skyrocketted, to over $3 a gallon, wich was unherd of at the time
Holy Toledo!
hehehe, sorry, I just had to XD

But yeah, really, that's very strange and I haven't a clue why? Different resources affected differently? Our fuel surely was affected by Katrina, sudden loss of like three pipelines that come from that area, we had stations closed from being out of gas. I didn't see that since the crap that went on in '74.

Stuffy, man, be careful about coasting with your engine off, without the engine running, you can use-up your power brakes - you know, the brake booster runs on intake manifold vacuum...? And oh yeah, you could loose your power steering and your steering wheel could lock, right?

About the environment and stuff, yeah, best to keep it outta this thread I guess. I gotta hit on one thing,,, the increased pricing is making it now cost effective to tap other petroleum sources that were up till now not cost-effective, such as the Canadian Tar Sands - that up there is boomtown going bonkers expanding like wildfire from what I hear... the local infrastructure is bursting at the seams from the population explosion of all that going on. It also made major leaps and bounnds with new technological breakthroughs on how to get it out of the frozen permaforst tundra up there, but the increased petroleum pricing is what sent it over the edge. I heard that our #1 petroleum source is now Canada. Somebody do the checking on that, I seem to recall that I saw that myself, but I still can't believe it myself. And there's more oil up there than all of the Middle-east oil fields combined. I can't believe that myself either...

And there's a whole lot more oil that just isn't being touched yet either.

I'm all for getting away from petroleum as a fuel - it is most definitely going to totally run-out one day. But while we're going to something else, it's nice to know that we can kinda take our time and not be in such a chicken-with-its-head-cut-off rush about it. Hydrogen scares me still. Oh, ok, sorry... [lid put on it]

Last edited by Racer X-8; 01-06-2007 at 01:32 AM.
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Old 01-09-2007, 09:54 AM   #920
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33MPG on Premium gas. I gave it a shot. 75% hwy and 25% city. I was going pretty fast on the highway trips. Not taking it easy at the lights either. :)
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Old 01-09-2007, 03:34 PM   #921
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About the environment and stuff, yeah, best to keep it outta this thread I guess. I gotta hit on one thing,,, the increased pricing is making it now cost effective to tap other petroleum sources that were up till now not cost-effective, such as the Canadian Tar Sands - that up there is boomtown going bonkers expanding like wildfire from what I hear... the local infrastructure is bursting at the seams from the population explosion of all that going on. It also made major leaps and bounnds with new technological breakthroughs on how to get it out of the frozen permaforst tundra up there, but the increased petroleum pricing is what sent it over the edge. I heard that our #1 petroleum source is now Canada. Somebody do the checking on that, I seem to recall that I saw that myself, but I still can't believe it myself. And there's more oil up there than all of the Middle-east oil fields combined. I can't believe that myself either...
didn't feel like starting a new thread, so i will post my lifetime fuel economy below to give this post some legitimacy.:)

yeah racer x-8, i do believe that canada is now the number one oil exporter to the u.s., besides a lot of conventional oil,they have been expanding the tar sands project like crazy, without considering to a great degree the environmental impact of this rapid expansion.
as i understand it, the process to remove the oil uses up huge amounts of water, which is taken in from the athabasca river, then put back in a "not-so-clean" state, and the effect is a lot of environmental damage in an otherwise pristine part of our country.
this part of the country is not tundra-covered or subject to permafrost, so i think the expense comes from the method of removing the oil.

the averaged fuel economy for my car, in 14 months of driving is 34.4 mpg, mostly city drivin.
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Old 01-10-2007, 12:43 AM   #922
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Just a brief update below. Nothing to write home about but still want to report honestly. I guess the result has been adversely affected by the failure to put a full tankful of gas into the fuel tank at the time of refilling. Sometimes this happens when the nozzle stops too soon for one reason or another.

Distance travelled
508.9 km, or
316.23 miles

Fuel Amount
41.27 litres, or
10.9 US gallons, or
9.08 Imperial gallons

Fuel Economy
litres per 100 km, or
miles per US gallon, or
miles per Imperial gallon

City/Highway Driving = 30/70
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Old 01-10-2007, 10:58 AM   #923
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swng, looks like our numbers are very close for vehicles of similar age.
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Old 01-10-2007, 02:16 PM   #924
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Originally Posted by stuffy View Post
swng, looks like our numbers are very close for vehicles of similar age.
Good observation buddy! But trust me, I am going to report better numbers with the next tank.
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Old 01-10-2007, 08:26 PM   #925
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i think i have hit the wall with getting better mileage, most of my driving is short city trips (so basically the worst type of driving for fuel economy)

i figure if i can keep it above 30 mpg in the winter, then i'm fairly happy :)
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Old 01-10-2007, 08:58 PM   #926
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I been tracking every tank i have used ever since i bought the car, and im not lying, i have 3.5k miles on it now (changed oil, no mods every thing factroy), and i have been getting twice 31MPG, and the rest of my tank got 30 MPG, it is about 3-4 MPG less of what the factory says, suppose to be 34 MPG / city, and 40MPG / HWY, i drive 70% HWY and 30% City,and i drive a 5speed, alos take easy when i drive just to see what the MPG really is on this car, but it is less than what it shoud be, any of you guys tracking ur MPG?? please dont lie about how much MPG u get, i wanna know what people and this car really get on MPG
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Old 01-11-2007, 10:26 AM   #927
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you will get better mileage as the engine gets worked in.
i've had my car for 14 months and 34.4 mgp is the lifetime avg i have achieved.
the best mileage i've had was 45 mpg this past summer on trips with 100% hwy driving.
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Old 01-11-2007, 10:53 AM   #928
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How do you know how do you know all that? A computer in your car?

-- Blen
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Old 01-11-2007, 11:03 AM   #929
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no, i just keep track of mileage the old fashioned way.
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Old 01-11-2007, 11:15 AM   #930
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Keep in mind when the tets are done for in town and hwy mileage they are done in a strait time with few cold starts and shutting the car off. if you fill up you car and drove it intown for a full tank of fuel without shutting it off you will easily hit the toyota mileage claims. Same with the hwy. If I fill the tank and drive it until empty with no stops or cold starts I can easily get toyota's cliamed mileage or better.

So much depends on the driving style, when you drive, where you drive and how often you start your car.
During the week our mileage sucks because the is driven 5 minutes from the house, at lunch the wife drives home, an hour later she drives back, then home again. 4 cold starts = 4 cold 5 minute drives. The car barely gets up to normal operating temps before it's parked again and this KILLS the fuel economy. but it's a far cry better then our truck was LOL.
The more short trips or in town the worse the mileage will be.

Also I get FAR better mileage driving then my wife does and we both follow the posted speed limits most of the time.
The difference is I tend to accelerate slower and coast longer, where she uses the brakes a lot more and has a heavier foot. When she drives the car is shifting aprox 500 rpm higher then when I drive.
Also the speeds you drive on the hwy make a huge difference. Drive 100kph and you will get better mileage them driving 120kph.

There are a few things you can do to improve the mileage as well. The biggest difference for our car was switching the fluids over to synthetics
Amsoil 0w-30 engine oil and Amsoil ATF. I can get crazy mileage (over 50mpg) if i drive on the hwy and keep it at 100-105kph and that's with an auto and car full of camping gear.
Do not over inflate the tires... so many people do this and think that it helps, follow the mfg's recommended tire pressure, it's on the inside edge of the driver door.
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Old 01-11-2007, 04:39 PM   #931
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Originally Posted by 07WYarisRS View Post
Keep in mind when the tets are done for in town and hwy mileage they are done in a strait time with few cold starts and shutting the car off. if you fill up you car and drove it intown for a full tank of fuel without shutting it off you will easily hit the toyota mileage claims. Same with the hwy. If I fill the tank and drive it until empty with no stops or cold starts I can easily get toyota's cliamed mileage or better.

So much depends on the driving style, when you drive, where you drive and how often you start your car.
During the week our mileage sucks because the is driven 5 minutes from the house, at lunch the wife drives home, an hour later she drives back, then home again. 4 cold starts = 4 cold 5 minute drives. The car barely gets up to normal operating temps before it's parked again and this KILLS the fuel economy. but it's a far cry better then our truck was LOL.
The more short trips or in town the worse the mileage will be.

Also I get FAR better mileage driving then my wife does and we both follow the posted speed limits most of the time.
The difference is I tend to accelerate slower and coast longer, where she uses the brakes a lot more and has a heavier foot. When she drives the car is shifting aprox 500 rpm higher then when I drive.
Also the speeds you drive on the hwy make a huge difference. Drive 100kph and you will get better mileage them driving 120kph.

There are a few things you can do to improve the mileage as well. The biggest difference for our car was switching the fluids over to synthetics
Amsoil 0w-30 engine oil and Amsoil ATF. I can get crazy mileage (over 50mpg) if i drive on the hwy and keep it at 100-105kph and that's with an auto and car full of camping gear.
Do not over inflate the tires... so many people do this and think that it helps, follow the mfg's recommended tire pressure, it's on the inside edge of the driver door.
So how's that Amsoil ATF? Did you change it yourself? I want to do this but I'll probably pay a shop to do it.
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Old 01-11-2007, 05:42 PM   #932
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Originally Posted by 07WYarisRS View Post
Keep in mind when the tets are done for in town and hwy mileage they are done in a strait time with few cold starts and shutting the car off. if you fill up you car and drove it intown for a full tank of fuel without shutting it off you will easily hit the toyota mileage claims. Same with the hwy. If I fill the tank and drive it until empty with no stops or cold starts I can easily get toyota's cliamed mileage or better.

So much depends on the driving style, when you drive, where you drive and how often you start your car.
During the week our mileage sucks because the is driven 5 minutes from the house, at lunch the wife drives home, an hour later she drives back, then home again. 4 cold starts = 4 cold 5 minute drives. The car barely gets up to normal operating temps before it's parked again and this KILLS the fuel economy. but it's a far cry better then our truck was LOL.
The more short trips or in town the worse the mileage will be.

Also I get FAR better mileage driving then my wife does and we both follow the posted speed limits most of the time.
The difference is I tend to accelerate slower and coast longer, where she uses the brakes a lot more and has a heavier foot. When she drives the car is shifting aprox 500 rpm higher then when I drive.
Also the speeds you drive on the hwy make a huge difference. Drive 100kph and you will get better mileage them driving 120kph.

There are a few things you can do to improve the mileage as well. The biggest difference for our car was switching the fluids over to synthetics
Amsoil 0w-30 engine oil and Amsoil ATF. I can get crazy mileage (over 50mpg) if i drive on the hwy and keep it at 100-105kph and that's with an auto and car full of camping gear.
Do not over inflate the tires... so many people do this and think that it helps, follow the mfg's recommended tire pressure, it's on the inside edge of the driver door.
Thanks for that man.
Great comments, glad you posted that so I could read it.
2007 Yaris Hatchback 5 Door LE, Manual, Package B, Bayou Blue Metallic
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Old 01-11-2007, 08:06 PM   #933
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Originally Posted by hhcchen View Post
i hope that's the unbroken in mpg...
anyone broken in there yaris yet...???
anyone with 1000+ mile/1600+ km yaris yet...???
I already have 14,400 highway miles on my Yaris and I average 330-350 miles per fill up between 1/4 and empty flashing. I am guessing my mpg is at 35-36 miles.
FWIW, my Yaris is lowered, 295/40-17 tires, 5-speed tranny and I drive at speeds averaging 80 mph to keep up with NJ Turnpike traffic. This small car is high revving, nimble and stable but sensitive steering at high speeds compared to my 04 Camry.

2007 White Liftback 5-speed
Tanabe DF 2" lowering springs, 205/50-15 on 15x6.5 Konig Helium, TRD rear sway bar, 15mm Hub spacer
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Old 01-11-2007, 08:44 PM   #934
Racer X-8
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Revised as of 12/06
AMSOIL Synthetic Universal Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)
Viscosity Index (ASTM D-2270)
Noack Volatility, % weight loss (ASTM D-5800)

Flash Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-92)
222 (432)

Pour Point °C (°F) (ASTM D-97)
-52 (-61)
Four Ball Wear Test, Scar in mm; 40 kg, 75°C, 1200 rpm, 1 hr (ASTM D-4172B)
Brookfield Viscosity (cP)
-20°C = 1298
Brookfield Viscosity (cP)
-40°C = 9326

The question that I have is that it says "AMSOIL ATF is recommended for transmission, hydraulic and other applications requiring any of the following specifications:" and it goes on to list "Toyota Type T and T-IV"
The manual says "When changing the automatic transmission fluid, use only "Toyota Genuine ATF WS" (ATF JWS3324 or NWS9638)."

wuddup wit dat? doesn't seem to match-up...
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Old 01-11-2007, 08:47 PM   #935
Black Yaris
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Originally Posted by gr8yaris View Post
FWIW, my Yaris is lowered, 295/40-17 tires...
How exactly are you stuffing a 295/40R17 tire under a Yaris?
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Old 01-12-2007, 02:59 AM   #936
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Because this is the fuel economy thread I'll post my last tank from my Camry.

I finally broke 30mpg. In the 5 years I've owned the car, this is the first time. That is nearly 95% highway at around 85mph. Nothing above 3000rpm. I've impressed myself with that feat.

And the car has 228,000 miles....
I drive a Camry.

I have no imagination.
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