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Old 04-14-2009, 04:06 AM   #1
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Mini v. sedan = injury. No duh. Is this news?

The pimps and slime in the insurance industry rolled out a fresh round of propaganda veiled as science.

My 09 Yaris was on the losing end of their science so I'd thought I'd share with my comrades.

But before you peruse the April 13 press release, note how their bottom line agenda about the 55 MPH speed limit seems to drive their findings.


News Release | April 14, 2009

New crash tests demonstrate the influence of vehicle size and weight on safety in crashes; results are relevant to fuel economy policies

ARLINGTON, VA — Three front-to-front crash tests, each involving a microcar or minicar into a midsize model from the same manufacturer, show how extra vehicle size and weight enhance occupant protection in collisions. These Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tests are about the physics of car crashes, which dictate that very small cars generally can't protect people in crashes as well as bigger, heavier models.

"There are good reasons people buy minicars," says Institute president Adrian Lund. "They're more affordable, and they use less gas. But the safety trade-offs are clear from our new tests. Equally clear are the implications when it comes to fuel economy. If automakers downsize cars so their fleets use less fuel, occupant safety will be compromised. However, there are ways to serve fuel economy and safety at the same time."

The Institute didn't choose SUVs or pickup trucks, or even large cars, to pair with the micro and minis in the new crash tests. The choice of midsize cars reveals how much influence some extra size and weight can have on crash outcomes. The Institute chose pairs of 2009 models from Daimler, Honda, and Toyota because these automakers have micro and mini models that earn good frontal crashworthiness ratings, based on the Institute's offset test into a deformable barrier. Researchers rated performance in the 40 mph car-to-car tests, like the front-into-barrier tests, based on measured intrusion into the occupant compartment, forces recorded on the driver dummy, and movement of the dummy during the impact.

Laws of physics prevail: The Honda Fit, Smart Fortwo, and Toyota Yaris are good performers in the Institute's frontal offset barrier test, but all three are poor performers in the frontal collisions with midsize cars. These results reflect the laws of the physical universe, specifically principles related to force and distance.

Although the physics of frontal car crashes usually are described in terms of what happens to the vehicles, injuries depend on the forces that act on the occupants, and these forces are affected by two key physical factors. One is the weight of a crashing vehicle, which determines how much its velocity will change during impact. The greater the change, the greater the forces on the people inside and the higher the injury risk. The second factor is vehicle size, specifically the distance from the front of a vehicle to its occupant compartment. The longer this is, the lower the forces on the occupants.

Size and weight affect injury likelihood in all kinds of crashes. In a collision involving two vehicles that differ in size and weight, the people in the smaller, lighter vehicle will be at a disadvantage. The bigger, heavier vehicle will push the smaller, lighter one backward during the impact. This means there will be less force on the occupants of the heavier vehicle and more on the people in the lighter vehicle. Greater force means greater risk, so the likelihood of injury goes up in the smaller, lighter vehicle.

Crash statistics confirm this. The death rate in 1-3-year-old minicars in multiple-vehicle crashes during 2007 was almost twice as high as the rate in very large cars.

"Though much safer than they were a few years ago, minicars as a group do a comparatively poor job of protecting people in crashes, simply because they're smaller and lighter," Lund says. "In collisions with bigger vehicles, the forces acting on the smaller ones are higher, and there's less distance from the front of a small car to the occupant compartment to 'ride down' the impact. These and other factors increase injury likelihood."

The death rate per million 1-3-year-old minis in single-vehicle crashes during 2007 was 35 compared with 11 per million for very large cars. Even in midsize cars, the death rate in single-vehicle crashes was 17 percent lower than in minicars. The lower death rate is because many objects that vehicles hit aren't solid, and vehicles that are big and heavy have a better chance of moving or deforming the objects they strike. This dissipates some of the energy of the impact.

Some proponents of mini and small cars claim they're as safe as bigger, heavier cars. But the claims don't hold up. For example, there's a claim that the addition of safety features to the smallest cars in recent years reduces injury risk, and this is true as far as it goes. Airbags, advanced belts, electronic stability control, and other features are helping. They've been added to cars of all sizes, though, so the smallest cars still don't match the bigger cars in terms of occupant protection.

Would hazards be reduced if all passenger vehicles were as small as the smallest ones? This would help in vehicle-to-vehicle crashes, but occupants of smaller cars are at increased risk in all kinds of crashes, not just ones with heavier vehicles. Almost half of all crash deaths in minicars occur in single-vehicle crashes, and these deaths wouldn't be reduced if all cars became smaller and lighter. In fact, the result would be to afford less occupant protection fleetwide in single-vehicle crashes.

Yet another claim is that minicars are easier to maneuver, so their drivers can avoid crashes in the first place. Insurance claims experience says otherwise. The frequency of claims filed for crash damage is higher for mini 4-door cars than for midsize ones.

Here's how the pairs of cars fared in the Institute's new crash tests:

Honda Accord versus Fit: The structure of the Accord held up well in the crash test into the Fit, and all except one measure of injury likelihood recorded on the driver dummy's head, neck, chest, and both legs were good. In contrast, a number of injury measures on the dummy in the Fit were less than good. Forces on the left lower leg and right upper leg were in the marginal range, while the measure on the right tibia was poor. These indicate a high risk of leg injury in a real-world crash of similar severity. In addition, the dummy's head struck the steering wheel through the airbag. Intrusion into the Fit's occupant compartment was extensive. Overall, this minicar's rating is poor in the front-to-front crash, despite its good crashworthiness rating based on the Institute's frontal offset test into a deformable barrier. The Accord earns good ratings for performance in both tests.

Mercedes C class versus Smart Fortwo: After striking the front of the C class, the Smart went airborne and turned around 450 degrees. This contributed to excessive movement of the dummy during rebound — a dramatic indication of the Smart's poor performance but not the only one. There was extensive intrusion into the space around the dummy from head to feet. The instrument panel moved up and toward the dummy. The steering wheel was displaced upward. Multiple measures of injury likelihood, including those on the dummy's head, were poor, as were measures on both legs.

"The Smart is the smallest car we tested, so it's not surprising that its performance looked worse than the Fit's. Still both fall into the poor category, and it's hard to distinguish between poor and poorer," Lund says. "In both the Smart and Fit, occupants would be subject to high injury risk in crashes with heavier cars." In contrast, the C class held up well, with little to no intrusion into the occupant compartment. Nearly all measures of injury likelihood were in the good range.

Toyota Camry versus Yaris: There was far more intrusion into the occupant compartment of the Yaris than the Camry. The minicar's door was largely torn away. The driver seats in both cars tipped forward, but only in the Yaris did the steering wheel move excessively. Similar contrasts characterize the measures of injury likelihood recorded on the dummies. The heads of both struck the cars' steering wheels through the airbags, but only the head injury measure on the dummy in the Yaris rated poor. There was extensive force on the neck and right leg plus a deep gash at the right knee of the dummy in the minicar. Like the Smart and Fit, the Yaris earns an overall rating of poor in the car-to-car test. The Camry is acceptable.

Fuel economy implications: One reason people buy smaller cars is to conserve fuel. Gasoline prices skyrocketed last year, and there's no telling what the price at the pump might be next week. Meanwhile, the gears are turning to hike federal fuel economy requirements to address environmental concerns. The conflict is that smaller vehicles use less fuel but do a relatively poor job of protecting people in crashes, so fuel conservation policies have tended to conflict with motor vehicle safety policies.

A problem with the current structure of fuel economy standards for cars is that the target of 27.5 miles per gallon is applied to an automaker's whole fleet, no matter the mix of cars an individual automaker sells. This encourages manufacturers to sell more smaller, lighter cars to offset the fuel consumed by their bigger, heavier models. Sometimes automakers even sell the smaller — and less safe — cars at a loss to ensure compliance with fleetwide requirements.

In response, the Obama administration announced it is boosting the fuel economy standard for cars, beginning with 2011 models, and instituting a size-based system to set fuel economy targets like the one already in effect for SUVs, pickups, and vans. This system will mandate lower fuel consumption as cars get smaller and lighter, thus removing the incentive for automakers to downsize their lightest vehicles to comply. It also could mean that technology currently used to enhance horsepower would go instead to reduce gas consumption — a direct safety benefit because less powerful cars have lower crash rates.

Another way to conserve fuel, and serve safety at the same time, is to set lower speed limits. Going slower uses less fuel to cover the same distance. The national maximum 55 mph speed limit, enacted in 1974, saved thousands of barrels of fuel per day. It also saved thousands of lives. Highway deaths declined about 20 percent the first year, from 55,511 in 1973 to 46,402 in 1974. The National Research Council estimated that most of the reduction was due to the lower speed limit, and the rest was because of reduced travel. By 1983 the national maximum 55 mph limit still was saving 2,000 to 4,000 lives annually.

"Fifty-five was adopted to save fuel, but it turned out to be one of the most dramatic safety successes in motor vehicle history," Lund concludes. "The political will to reinstate it probably is lacking, but if policymakers want a win-win approach, lowering the speed limit is it. It saves fuel and lives at the same time."
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Old 04-14-2009, 05:24 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by jess View Post
. By 1983 the national maximum 55 mph limit still was saving 2,000 to 4,000 lives annually.

"Fifty-five was adopted to save fuel, but it turned out to be one of the most dramatic safety successes in motor vehicle history," Lund concludes. "The political will to reinstate it probably is lacking, but if policymakers want a win-win approach, lowering the speed limit is it. It saves fuel and lives at the same time."
Makes sense to me.
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Old 04-14-2009, 07:03 AM   #3
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Hah! I was just coming here to post a link to the same article, which the New York Times is highlighting this morning. What a revelation! Ram a big car into a little car headon, and you're worse off in the little car! Whodathunkit?
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Old 04-15-2009, 04:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Yaris Hilton View Post
What a revelation! Ram a big car into a little car headon, and you're worse off in the little car! Whodathunkit?

For real!
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Old 04-14-2009, 09:14 AM   #5
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So I guess I should avoid head on collisions after all?
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Old 04-14-2009, 09:32 AM   #6
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JUst makes me realise that ALL big cars should be banned. They are obviously going to do more damage to people, and are therefore unsafe for the public at lasrge. Burn 'em all!
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Old 04-14-2009, 10:53 AM   #7
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BTW, I just looked up the nominal curb weight for a 2008 Camry. 1050 lbs more than my 2009 Yaris sedan.
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Old 04-14-2009, 11:28 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Yaris Hilton View Post
BTW, I just looked up the nominal curb weight for a 2008 Camry. 1050 lbs more than my 2009 Yaris sedan.
I'm glad the iihs did the test small car vs small car + 1000lbs....

Originally Posted by mr. poopyhead View Post
this is the stupidest crap ever...

you could do the same experiment and replace the "minicars" vs. sedans with sedans vs. SUVs... you'd get the same results and then have a "scientific" evidence that people should ditch their sedans and all move to SUVs... which will just accelerate the arms race that has been going on for years now... people moving into bigger cars and trucks to save themselves from the other people driving big cars and trucks... it's ridiculous...

take a look at the cars from the 80s... they were like the "minicars" we have now... the current corolla is bigger than an 80s camry... and have you seen the new ford F150? it's twice the size as an F-150 from 20 years ago... are traffic fatalities any lower now than then? (that's an honest question... i have no stats on it)

god bless america... the land of the fearful...
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Old 04-14-2009, 11:53 PM   #9
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Geez, this is equivalent to crashing into the edge of a solid wall (with all impact force on the left half of the car) at 80 mph! What do these idiots think is going to happen??

Hell, if you took a Hummer and did the same test with an 18-wheeler, do you think the Hummer is going to keep you safe? No chance.

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Old 04-14-2009, 11:57 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Kal-El View Post
Geez, this is equivalent to crashing into the edge of a solid wall (with all impact force on the left half of the car) at 80 mph! What do these idiots think is going to happen??
It's even worse than that, because the car with the smaller mass is driven backward on impact.
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Old 04-15-2009, 12:09 AM   #11
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Nobody has a higher chance of survival in a head on crash. Too many variables.

I do however think that there needs to be more testing when renewing your driver license.

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Old 04-14-2009, 11:35 AM   #12
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Now they're highlighting this on the CNNMoney site, too.
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Old 04-14-2009, 12:08 PM   #13
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I saw a test on Fifth gear a year or two ago where they pitted a new small car (Yaris size, I can't remember the brand) vs an old 90's volvo station wagon in a head on at 40mph I think and the small car passenger dummies had maybe a broke leg while the dummies in the volvo were dead.

I'm sure you can find this test on you tube. This is just more fear mongering by the people who don't want the shift in taste to happen in NA from big to smaller.

edit: here's the link
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Old 04-14-2009, 12:33 PM   #14
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Somebody should address the REAL issue . People need more driver training ..................
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Old 04-14-2009, 03:43 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by HTM Yaris View Post
Somebody should address the REAL issue . People need more driver training ..................
OH GOD. Someone gets it.
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Old 04-14-2009, 03:59 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ddongbap View Post
OH GOD. Someone gets it.
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Old 04-14-2009, 01:58 PM   #17
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When was the last time you saw a head-on accident compared to all other types of accidents?

I think head-on accidents are a small percentage of car accidents.
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Old 04-14-2009, 02:23 PM   #18
Small cars are a big deal
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Posted this on my blog, too:

Subcompact Saftey: IIHS gives 'poor' rating to Honda, Toyota, and Smart

And yes: basic physics. Like my friend says "BCW: Big Car Wins."

To be honest, I didn't see the fuel economy card coming here. I certainly understand what the IIHS is saying. However, I'm not sure I believe that people will stop buying smaller, lighter cars when the fuel economy mandates make automakers raise their lineups' overall economy. I think some people (like all of us here) actually enjoy driving small cars.

Really: Compared to the subcompacts of the '70s, '80s, and even some of the '90s, a Yaris, Fit, and even a ForTwo are like driving armored cars.
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