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Old 03-20-2007, 04:48 AM   #1
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Consumer Report

Okay is it just me or are these test drivers for these companies are getting dumber as the year go on?

I was at work the other day reading the new Consumer Report on the 07 Model cars, and out of all the cars they tested they did not recommend buying the Yaris Sedan or Hatchback even though they had excellent mileage and price.

So i read further into it and they did not recommend the yaris because it did not have all the safety feature like "acceleration warning" and such, THAT and they said that the handling was not that great.

Why the hell would anyone need acceleration warning, if you see the needle go up, EASE OFF THE GAS! and i don't know what they were talking about with the handling. I think my Yaris handles great.
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Old 03-20-2007, 07:22 PM   #2
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I have to agree. Apparently the majority are spoiled, whiny, scaredy-cats who've never driven a real car. One without power everything and safety galore.

My last car before the Yaris was a '92 Olds Cutlass Supreme. Yea, it had power everything, but it didn't have airbags, or a light on the dash to tell me what gear I was in, or a camera to help me back up. And road noise, that bugger was noisy as hell (and who can hear road noise over the stereo anyways?).

I actually went from my first car, a VW bug with no power anything (didn't even have a radio or A/c) to a Dodge 1-ton van. It was a huge mother with no A/C, 3-on the tree, "armstrong" power steering (meaning none!). On top of that, it was extra long, I was pregnant at the time & it took both feet to depress the clutch! I backed into many a car (& anything else behind me) during those 9 mos. Also owned an old Ford Falcon--it didn't even have seat belts!

The safety equipment is only as good as the driver. If an 18-wheeler hits you doing 75mph, I really don't think side-curtain airbags are going to save you. Neither will ABS, if you don't know how to drive with it.

I love my a/c, and my power windows, locks & mirrors. Do I need them? No, but on this car I can afford them & I got what I wanted. I got a decked out Yaris for a lot less than a base model of anything else & I'm thrilled with it! 0-60mph? As long as I can get on the highway without getting hit, who cares how many seconds it takes?

My rant, I feel better now. Don't have to kill all the blondes in GTA tonight!
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Old 03-20-2007, 08:58 PM   #3
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I'm also going to have to agree. Consumer reports, just aren't that great. I would never suggest to buy a car, off what the Consumer report says.

There is one thing I do believe they have come somewhat close on.

"The Handling"

I'll have to agree that the handling isn't that great on the Yaris. It's okay, but sometimes when im on the highway, i feel like a big box, get pushed around by the wind. The wind just bully's me on the highways :(

But when it comes to cornering, if you wouldn't take the corner with your jeep, don't take it with the Yaris! Well....i dunno if i go to that extreme, but you definitely get that 4x4 feeling. ;)

My Yaris has 23 850kms on her, and its still going strong. I can't complain, its a great car. Especially when compared to other cars in its class. I would recommend it to anybody.
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Old 03-20-2007, 10:59 PM   #4
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Yea I agree with all of you guys. Maybe they don't want people driving the Yaris because most of the U.S. is still into the big SUV type cars. They should have regular people come and meet and test drive the vehicles and feed the info off that or something.
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:04 AM   #5
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They aren't looking for what I was looking for in a car, so I don't give a damn.

I wanted something basic that would allow me to make minor (or major) tweaks to suit my wants and needs.

They want something that you're content to roll off the lot with and leave it at that.

In short, the CR staffers are a bunch of ninny shopping-cart pushing toolbags. If they want to take the kids to soccer practice in a Civic then bravo.

And for the record, the Yaris in pure stock form would drive me absolutely freekin' crazy after a while.
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Old 03-21-2007, 01:18 AM   #6
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Meanwhile, many of the cars they DO recommend have average or poor reliability ratings, average or poor customer satisfaction ratings, and average or poor resale value.

I believe Yaris had excellent on all counts.

What good is a car that handles great if it breaks down on the way to work, you end up hating it and then can't get some decent money back on it?

I think they should stick to reviewing dish soap or something.
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Old 03-23-2007, 12:35 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by LoudYar View Post
I'm also going to have to agree. Consumer reports, just aren't that great. I would never suggest to buy a car, off what the Consumer report says.

There is one thing I do believe they have come somewhat close on.

"The Handling"

I'll have to agree that the handling isn't that great on the Yaris. It's okay, but sometimes when im on the highway, i feel like a big box, get pushed around by the wind. The wind just bully's me on the highways :(

But when it comes to cornering, if you wouldn't take the corner with your jeep, don't take it with the Yaris! Well....i dunno if i go to that extreme, but you definitely get that 4x4 feeling. ;)

My Yaris has 23 850kms on her, and its still going strong. I can't complain, its a great car. Especially when compared to other cars in its class. I would recommend it to anybody.

Same for me man, everytime i go to work i have to roll the windows down so the window doesn't push me off the road, other than that i love my car.
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Old 03-26-2007, 11:23 AM   #8
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LOL, what the hell is "acceleration warning"???


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Old 03-26-2007, 12:38 PM   #9
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I dunno about that 4X4 feeling thing... 2 of my last vehicles were 4by's and I take corners on the highway at speeds nowhere near what I'd think of doing in my old explorer or blazer. I find it corners nicely myself.
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Old 03-26-2007, 02:17 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by HorrorCosmic View Post
Okay is it just me or are these test drivers for these companies are getting dumber as the year go on?

I was at work the other day reading the new Consumer Report on the 07 Model cars, and out of all the cars they tested they did not recommend buying the Yaris Sedan or Hatchback even though they had excellent mileage and price.

So i read further into it and they did not recommend the yaris because it did not have all the safety feature like "acceleration warning" and such, THAT and they said that the handling was not that great.

Why the hell would anyone need acceleration warning, if you see the needle go up, EASE OFF THE GAS! and i don't know what they were talking about with the handling. I think my Yaris handles great.
There is a huge bias against small, well built, cars by Auto and other consumer mags, and here is (in my opinion) why... If all cars were as well made and easy to own as the Yaris these magazines would have nothing to talk about..
Simple, good cars need no promotion by "critics" to sell intelligent owners on the merits of the car.

But hey thats just my opinion and I'm biased the other way because I hate cars with too many "bells and whistles".


PS: what the hell is an acceleration warning?
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